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We're constantly improving our software to offer you only the best.
Community Works Module: Introduced a new module allowing users to log their times for different community works.
Pricelist Packages: Implemented package payments with accurate tracking of remaining flights.
Advanced Daily Flight Logs: Introduced an advanced view of daily flight logs, allowing pilots to see all flights for the current day, including those flown by other pilots, in correct chronological order. This enables immediate log-book entries before handing over the aircraft.
Backend Planner Calendar: Introduced a new backend planner calendar with coordinator reminders sent to assigned users by email. Multi-day plans for gliders are now displayed in the group overview for each day.
Coordinator Calendar: Added a description field to assigned coordinators and implemented reservation creation notifications for instructors.
OpenAI Integration for Exams: Integrated OpenAI API to confirm test results in exams.
Play Button for Block Times: Added play button functionality for block times to streamline flight logging.
Aircraft Types Expanded: Expanded aircraft types to include competition mark, number of seats, FLARM device details, Open Glider Network (OGN) registration, and aircraft owners.
Emergency Contacts: Users can now add emergency contact details to their profiles.
Uncoupling Height in Reports: Added the uncoupling height to flight reports for more comprehensive flight data analysis.
Training Enhancements: Added training lesson grades to parameters and allowed grading directly on the preview screen.
Work Logs Filters and Exports: Added filters and export capabilities to work logs and coordinators.
Hide Wallet Display: Added a parameter to hide the wallet and current balance display on the frontend for all users.
Translations: Added translations for Danish (DK) and Russian languages.
Licenses/Ratings Renamed: Renamed “Licenses/Ratings” to “Credentials” for improved clarity.
Training Lessons: Training lessons can now include both solo and dual time, providing more flexibility in training records.
Flight Log Entries: Time fields are now empty by default when entering a new flight log.
Glider Reservations Disabled: Disabled reservations for gliders (configurable via a parameter) and restricted gliders from submitting their own flight logs unless designated as timekeepers.
User List Improvements: On the frontend user list, only aeroclub members are now displayed, excluding guests.
Phone Number Field: Fixed an issue where the phone number field did not accept “00” instead of “+”. The field is now nullable to accommodate different international formats.
Search Functionality: Search for group flight logs now correctly normalizes special characters like “š” and “č” to “s” and “c”.
Training Records Quiz: Resolved a bug where quizzes in training records did not work for certain users.
Tow Pilot Display: The tow pilot is now displayed on glider flight cards.
Chronometry Updates: Fixed issues with glider connected chronometries not updating properly, ensuring accurate time tracking.
Flight Time Calculations: Corrected the calculation of total flight times for laps to ensure accurate logging.
Uncoupling Height Adjustment: Adjusted the increment/decrement buttons for uncoupling height to change the value in hundreds when entering flight logs.
Performance and Stability Improvements:
Reduced unnecessary data sent to the frontend, improving load times and responsiveness.
Made numerous stability optimizations and performance improvements across the application.
Guest Stays Module: For each guest, a Stay is created. All their completed flight logs and existing transactions are automatically linked to this Stay. A receipt summarizing all costs can be generated on one document.
Daily Guests Export: Added the ability to export Daily Guests by days, similar to the Flight Log Review, facilitating reporting to the municipality.
Panoramic Flights WordPress Plugin: Implemented a Panoramic Flights WordPress Plugin for smoother integration with the main application.
Flight Log Drafts Improvement: Implemented new save/submit button logic for flight log drafts, allowing data validation while still permitting incomplete drafts to be saved.
Receipts Generation: Added the ability to generate only receipts instead of invoices.
Instructor Selection in Reservations: When a student creates a reservation, they can now select an instructor. Instructors are visible on the frontend, and they receive email notifications when selected.
Email Notifications for Reservations: Added email notifications when a reservation is created or changed, or when an admin modifies it.
Excel Export Functionality: Added Excel export functionality for flight logs and stays, including related transactions.
Validity Checks on Tests: Implemented validity checks on aircraft exploitation tests, displaying incorrect answers in red for immediate feedback.
Number of Passengers: Added a field for the number of passengers when submitting a flight log.
Enter Landings Without Legs: Enabled entering the number of landings (laps) without creating separate legs (flights) for all flight logs, not just guests.
Visible Aircraft Selection: Added a parameter to allow users to see and attach all available aircraft, complete with search functionality.
Backend Calendar Customization: Added a parameter to set visible times on backend calendars, allowing customization of calendar views.
Inactive Licenses Display: Inactive licenses are no longer displayed as “invalid,” reducing potential confusion.
Billing Accuracy: Flight logs with a different payer now follow the prices of the pilot’s price lists to ensure accurate billing.
Flight Log Reports Sorting: Exports of flight log reports are now sorted by date ascending, with filter parameters included in the filename.
Reference Numbers: Flight log payment transactions and internal transfers now have their reference number set to “n/a.”
Frontend Styling: Improved the styling of posts and other frontend elements for a friendlier user experience.
Draft Confirmation Modal: The back button when saving drafts no longer displays an unnecessary confirmation modal.
Aircraft Selection Field: Reservations and plans now always display the aircraft selection field for greater flexibility.
Guest Aircraft Assignment: Updated the process for guest users to be automatically assigned all non-own aircraft.
Uncoupling Height Adjustment: Adjusted the increment/decrement buttons for uncoupling height to change the value in hundreds when entering flight logs.
User Names in Flight Plans: Updated the flight plan to display users’ full names instead of usernames.
Time Zone Display: Fixed an issue where the flight log overview was displaying times in UTC instead of the local time zone.
Multi-day Tow Flight Orders: Resolved a problem where multiple-day tow flight orders were not showing for gliders when overlapping dates were selected.
Autofocus Issue: Addressed an issue where the autofocus on the group flight logs’ search box was not working correctly when another input was focused.
Nova Tooltips Interference: Fixed a problem where custom planner styling was interfering with Nova tooltips elsewhere in the application.
Excel Export Accuracy: Fixed the flight log Excel export to correctly display the pilot and payer in separate columns.
Data Calculation Errors: Resolved multiple exceptions caused by missing or invalid data, resulting in inaccurate calculations across different modules.
Grammar and Spelling: Fixed several grammar and spelling errors throughout the application.
CSV Export Improvements: Improved the flight log CSV export for better data accuracy and consistency.
Email Exclusions: Excluded emails from being sent to addresses ending with “@eavio .aero” by adding an “Email Invalid” property to users.
Performance and Stability Improvements:
Removed unused third-party libraries and dependencies, leading to a smaller application size and faster loading times.
Updated all packages to their latest versions, enhancing security and overall performance.
Made numerous stability optimizations and performance improvements across the application.
Added the ability for a student to prepare for a practical lessions by ability to read/watch tutorial and then complete exam.
Added current aircraft flight time and next maintenance time to reservation and flight order forms
Flight logs can now be submitted as a draft, with the ability to leave fields empty or incomplete, without any validation checks. However, the flight log will not be visible to anyone else until it is submitted as a final version
Added the “play” and “stop” button functionality to immediately create and/or stop a new flight log from a previously submitted flight order
Starting a new flight log will prompt the user for the current location and automatically fill in the airport fields if the location is allowed and an airport is found
Added a “current time” button next to time input fields to quickly fill in the current time
Additional functionalities for trainings (custom exports defined by .docx templates, creating lessons on the fly, added completion dates to exercises, etc.)
Added a module for managing localization strings, along with support for additional languages (DE, ES, FR)
Removed the dashboard and replaced it with an automatic redirect to the reports or aircraft resources, based on the user’s permissions
Added the ability to replace our default logo with your own, defined in the parameters
Added an optional “not in an accident in the past 3 years” confirmation checkbox to the flight order form, as well as an “accident statement” field to the user profile
Added the “self-propelled” option to glider aircraft types which can be referenced when creating a price-list
Added an overview of the currently assigned flight chief for all active sections (togglable in the parameters)
Added a parameter to replace flight orders with reservations
Added an optional parameter to check if the pilot has met all requirements to act as an instructor
Added caching to most of the API endpoints, resulting in a significant performance improvement
Moved the field for adding a leg from the whole flight log form to a dedicated modal
Major performance improvements on reports
Reduced the amount of unnecessary data being sent to the front-end, resulting in better performance
Removed many unused 3rd party libraries and dependencies, resulting in a smaller overall package size and faster loading times
Updated all packages to their latest versions, which should improve security and performance
Using the “back” button on the flight log form while there are unsaved changes will now display a confirmation dialog allowing you to discard the changes or save them
Improved the overall look and feel of the front-end
The table for defining training lesson subjects has been updated with the ability to drag and drop the rows to reorder them
A user can now see all training if they have been assigned the permission “manage all trainings”
Better file upload fields on some resources
Returning an overly large flight log report no longer causes a timeout or memory limit error
Fixed an issue with stripe payments sometimes not being correctly processed
Multiple-day calendar events correctly display the last day of the event
Current METAR and TAF data is now correctly displayed on the front-end and does not cause an error if the data is not available
Hobbs time is now correctly calculated for flight logs
Fixed some exceptions with missing or invalid data, resulting in wrong calculations on different modules
Minor grammar and spelling fixes
Many more performance and stability improvements
Library folders can now be limited to be seen only by users with specific roles
Wallet on front-end can now be hidden if your organisation doesn’t use it
If users are active in only one section, they will be immediately redirected to that section
Support for PLN currency (we can add support for any world currency if needed)
Improved calendar speed
Possibility to add documents to training lessons
Additional options for towing prices in gliders section
New front-end translations (NL, PL)
Added a weather report on top of each section (METAR and TAF)
Added the ability to create exams for a specific license or aircraft type
Added an Exams tab on the FE menu where users can view and solve their exams. After submitting an exam, the answers will be saved and the user is able to see whether they passed or not
Added a counter for the total amount of users that will receive the email when sending a mass email
Added permissions for being able to manage additional costs of a flight log (BE)
Added permissions for being able to send mass emails using the email sender (BE)
Added a parameter that prohibits the submission of a flight log if the date of the flight is too far in the past
Submitting a group skydiver flight log automatically fills out the field based on the skydiver’s first jump of the day
Added an action to the aircraft resource which copies all allowed users from the selected aircraft to another
Added a seeder for European airports with all their information including longitude and latitude
Visually improved the FE calendar by adding more vivid colors
Improved the performance of the FE calendar by reducing the number of queries
Filtering the calendar by section now shrinks the space created by the filter
Added a separate field on glider section pricelists for either a winch or aero tow price
The next flight time of an aircraft can be overridden in a maintenance log
Aircraft resources now show related maintenance logs
Increased the amount of shown aircraft resources while viewing a single aircraft
A small change in the table structure/values of transaction reports added a simple excel export
Added an additional message that can be displayed under the contribution payment button for additional information
Added more filters to various backend resources
Other minor quality-of-life improvements
Fixed a bug where the FE calendar would not show the plans/reservations that overlapped by the maintenance
Fixed some incorrect calculations for total values on reports
Fixed a bug where selecting an email group would select multiple groups with invalid users
Fixed user permissions where users could not see some of the resources
Fixed some grammar mistakes
v1.23.0 (20-07-2022)
Journey Log PDF
Journey Log Excel export
Online payment via Stripe – each section may now be linked to separate Stripe account
Possibility to mark aircraft as “Guest Aircraft” – in that case all internal checks for that aircraft are omitted.
Single/Double command checkbox under flight purposes
Remove “seconds” display from flight orders
Display flight log info from transactions report
Button to create flight plan from reservation is added
When sending notifications for canceling reservations due to maintenance ignore irelevant reservations
Calculation error fix in reports (single/double command)
v1.22.1 (15-06-2022)
Ref number for bank transfer is now membership ID
Calendar positioning fix
Flight Log editing error fix
Aircraft maintenance fix for updating dates
Aircraft maintenance calendar fix
Allow creating transaction with negative value
Display comments on transaction reports
v1.22.0 (10-04-2022)
On the transactions list, there is a link to the flight log in case the transaction was for “instructor payment” or “flight payment”
New interface for entering time/date on reservations and flight orders
Added list view for reservations on the FE calendar
Possibility to change aero tow flight log for Gliders after chronometry was submitted
Possibility to link multiple Gliders’ flight logs on single Towing Flight Order
Possible to change flight logs by instructors and other pilots
Search + Filter improvements on Maintenance Log module
Sort UP/DOWN by date on Flight Log reports
In case there is only one “Leg” added to Flight Log, add it automatically when submitting Flight Log
Automatically link reservation with flight log if they overlap
An additional checkbox in user profile settings to allow receiving “Newsletter”
Possibility to load previous dates on FE reservations/flight order calendar
Multiple improvements in notifications
The flight log report ignores “Instructor on the ground”
v1.21.0 (23-03-2022)
Completely new mobile-friendly calendar for reservations and flight logs on FE
The instructor may edit students’ Flight Log
VAT field next to “additional costs” on Flight Log should have predefined values
Transactions have additional option IBAN or internal transfer selection
Ratings may be defined without “section”
Filter flight purposes based on the price lists for the current aircraft FE
Price is calculated from only one price list.
A negative price is allowed on a price list (so a user may receive money for the flight instead of paying)
Easier to see which transaction is related to a flight log on FE
Additional “total” table on Flight Logs report (for instructors)
Allow gliders to see each other flight logs on “flight logs” reports
For “gliders” show if it was towing / winch. In case of towing display towing aircraft & pilot & landing time
Possibility to send a newsletter to members of specific sections only
Possibility to toggle between days on on “group” flight log FE
Display towing pilot on reports and FE flight log cards
On Gliders FE number of starts with towing / winch is displayed
Improved membership payment card on FE
On the Gliders and Skydiving section now all Flight Logs are displayed for all members
Multiple improvements on licenses overview (FE)
On FE transactions filter should only display services that are relevant to their activity
Hide soft-deleted reservations from the calendar on FE
If the gliders flight log is deleted Aero Tow flight log should also be removed/corrected
v1.20.1 (21-01-22)
Flight logs may now be submitted without flight order
Possibility to change a date on the flight log after it was submitted
Additional alerts when closing flight log dialog if data is not submitted yet
Flight logs view on backend now displays 100 logs on a single page
Membership status is displayed based on “price-list group” instead of membership payment transaction
When adding a flight log inform the user if it is overlapping with another flight log
“Reservation was successfully deleted” dialog is removed
In the flight logs view, we added “aircraft TT” info
Ability to complete Flight Log with “carry skydivers” without attached skydivers
Improved Excel export of Flight Logs
Additional filters for Flight Logs FE
Flight Log detail now contains information about which price list was used
Improved view for “totals” on flight log submission form FE
Transactions now allow a negative value
Services (Membership payment, account fill-up …) should include the option: VAT & affect the balance
Flight time as an instructor is added to total flight time
Could not remove flight order if flight chief was not defined
On flight log report tool, only display flight purposes for selected section
Multiple fixes on transactions reports
flight orders search improved
“Flight chief” not available error
Inform users about flight log submission due only once
Problem with updating aircraft resources
Fixed “Remember me” to work in all browsers
“User List” anomaly on some browsers
In-Flight log reports “laps” should not be counted as landings
FE reservation calendar – changed back to 3 days instead of 7, fixed dates not changing after switching to landscape mode
Email notification for flight logs doesn’t have the correct date for flight
As instructor only shows flights where the specific person was an instructor
v1.20.0 (10-12-21)
Duty-times calculations and parameters
On flight orders (BE) there is new symbol to see if there was flight log attached to it
Possibility to select another payer for flight on flight log (BE)
Option to “re-open” flight logs in case of mistakes
On Section cars we are now displaying money balance preview for open flight logs.
Flight logs may now be submitted with out flight order
If aircraft is reserved at the same time as aircraft is not airworthy it is coloured red (FE)
Displaying full name for flight chief (instead of initials)
Calendar on (FE) displays reservations/flight orders from all sections
Sections card now displays no. of flights in last 90days
Slovenian translation for Flight log / transactions
Multiple improvements for skydivers sectrions
Skydivers section does not need flight orders
Transactions now contains “Sender” and “Receiver” fields
President gets notification to approve user-user, user-section, section-user money transfers
Invoice and recipients now contains more informations
On Skydivers Flight Logs we now have field to select airport
Items on fields for airport and flight-purpose (FE) are sorted by usage
“Add legs” button is moved to the bottom of the list (FE)
Aircraft resources now displays aircraft FT at resource end-of-life
Touch&go timing improved
On FE-calendars Todays date is bold
Red background on flight log calendar (FE) is not needed for aircraft maintenance
Improved user roles for instructors and presidents
Multiple improvements for filters on BE
After adding or attaching items on BE, users are redirected to correct location
Fixed tooltip problem on BE
Various packages updates
Multiple date formats
Transactions “send to/from” names were not correct
Multiple small fixes on FE
v1.19.1 (25-09-21)
Duty-times calculations and parameters
Module for licenses/ratings recoded
Licenses now have relations to ratings
Multiple improvements on licenses overview (FE)
v1.19.0 (25-08-21)
Logging username, ip and timestamp for each login
Logging user activity when accessing/changing personal data
Sending mass email to members
Option to add additional costs to flight log
Multiple flight logs on single flight order
Possibility to sort aircraft resources
All transactions are displayed on front-end
Library folders may now be assigned to multiple sections
Multiple improvements on notifications
v1.18.4 (06-07-21)
Personal information can now be hidden from the list of users in your profile settings
A parameter that combines the balance of all section accounts and uses only one for all sections
Popup with transaction details when clicking on one under finances
Filter for transactions
Added warnings to leg which are only editable from the back-end
A parameter that disables the display of club membership
Aero tow prices can now be defined depending on the tow aircraft type
A parameter that enables validation of flight hours over the past 24 months
SMS notifications for reservations canceled by aircraft maintenance
Parameter for where to send reclamations
Parameter for a callback URL that gets called every time a flight log is created, updated or deleted
The side menu is always open on wider devices
Section cards display minutes, not only hours
Section cards also show no. of takeoffs and no. of takeoffs with the instructor
All select fields are now sorted alphabetically, always last name + first name for users
Aircraft name and type moved from navigation bar subtitle to content header
Editing a leg scrolls you up to the edit form
Renamed all instances “Chronometry” to “Flight Log” and “Flight Plan” to “Flight Order”
Improved the workflow of adding and editing legs
Restructured the overall look of forms
Selecting skydivers uses a normal input field instead of a multi-select one
Jump height field added next to the skydiver field
Flight log overview includes skydivers on that flight
Updated API docs to support skydivers
Editing and saving a flight log on back-end redirects you back to where you were before with all the filters still applied and on the correct page
Flight log report shows prices only for completed flights
Transaction report now uses the same filters as flight log report
Services used in transactions have been moved to their own table, enabling admins to add their own. Default ones cannot be changed or removed
Removed licenses’ and ratings’ date from
Non-native fields for iOS changed to native ones
Superadmins can edit all parameters’ information, users with the permission “edit parameters” can only edit their value
Adding a rating/license if none exist under the user profile
Transactions can be completed by setting their completed date
Edit button on the back-end if there is only one result in a table
Fixed submitting reclamations of open flight logs
Submitting a reclamation now redirects you to the new flight overview
Removed duplicate aircraft type column in pricelists
Fixed display of long filenames in documentation
Role “edit self” works correctly
v1.18.3 (21-04-21)
Ability to login using your username as well as your e-mail
Users can add their own licenses and ratings if enabled in parameters
Warning if there is no flight chief set for the selected time period when submitting a flight order
Flight chiefs are now defined by a time period, allowing multiple to be set in one day
If there is no flight chief, you can assign yourself straight from the flight order form instead of going back to the section view
User profile fields like phone numbers and addresses are now optional
All files are now stored in the Library Folder table instead of their own
File upload limit increased to 1GB
Visually improved Documentation on front-end
Back-end filter options are sorted alphabetically
Users Activity is searchable
The logout button works normally on iOS
Balance field is hidden when editing Users Activity
User profile displays correctly if no medical license date is set
All user roles now working correctly
Caching of roles fixed after updating one
Inactive and soft-deleted files are not visible on the front-end anymore
Flight date remains the same after submitting a reclamation
Time zones have been fixed
v1.18.2 (08-03-21)
API for flightlogs, aircraft and users exchange with 3rd party apps
Internal money transfer
Users money status for each section
Popup with additional info on front-end calendar
Airports are now searchable and sotred based on usage
Possibility to edit licences/ratings/medical from App
Excel exporting flightlogs
Updated metrics on aircraft module
Hidden totalizer, hobbs, and cycles when not in use
It is possible
Multiple IMEI and iButton keys for each user / aircraft
Possibility to login with username or email
Time calculation can now be set for each aircraft instead of globaly
Increased document library uplodad size
For authentication we now use Sanctum instead of Passport
Documents contains original filename after download
Better profile avatar handling
All invoices are now listed under “finances”
Front-end calendar now contains full user name instead of inicials
User roles on pricelists
Plane Type is not part of chronometry table anymore (we now get planetype form aircraft registration)
When paying membership, “input field” is not vissible
v1.18.1 (15-01-21)
It is now possible to transfer money from one user to another inside club
Possibility to reserve multiple or all aircraft at the same time from the back-end (there is a known issue with selecting the flight date)
User profile now contains ICE contacts fields
Switch to disable all notifications for specific user
The instructor field is visible for all pilots (before only “students” were able to see it)
School laps field on front-end is now always visible (before it was visible only on special flight purposes)
Field for choosing instructor on chronometries on the back-end is now searchable
Multiple improvements on the chronometry reporting module. It now displays users sorted by the last name. A search button is added. Loading animation is added.
Legs section on front-end is now more distinctive
Chronometry history on front-end now has a filter (from, to, aircraft – more to be added)
Chronometries on the front-end contain the time to the next service.
On chronometries report on the back-end, there is tooltip with information who submitted/changed a specific chronometry
Flight time field is hidden on the front-end reservation form.
Legs may contain comments
On transactions report, First / Last name is displayed instead of username
When submitting chronometry on the front-end a single leg is automatically submitted (if the user forgets to tap “add leg”).
Aircraft resources now also contain aircraft type information
“Next service” display on front-end chronometry doesn’t allow values less than -5. If there is less, we display the message “Aircraft needs maintenance – contact the manager!”
Possibility to select any timeframe on all calendars on the front-end (before it was only possible by tapping the timestamp on the left side of the main calendar)
Metrics on chronometries, transactions, and aircraft module may now be disabled with parameters
There is now a link from front-end to back-end
There is now a link from the back-end to front-end
Date format on the back-end is local (DD. MM. YYYY)
Speed improvements on chronometry view
Additional caching – speed improvements on multiple modules
Negative times in aircraft resources are now better represented
Displaying UTC dates on the back-end for chronometries
Aircraft reservation on back-end now properly display “pilots” list
Server error when updating aircraft
The tax rate was sometimes not displayed correctly on the back-end
Dashboard links are now active
Chronometry legs were not sorted correctly when adding school laps on front-end
Chronometry on the back-end is sorted by flight-date/hour
Problem with calendar view on front-end for iPhone users (Safari)
Prevent submitting chronometry for the same aircraft for the same time from two different pilots
If the transaction is deleted return user the money
“Post name” renamed to city
v1.18.0 (29-12-20)
Posibility to schedule timeslots for instructors
Chronometry/Membership payment with Stripe
Posibility to pay after flight
Repeatable flight orders
Posibility to select time slots for flight order
ICE contacts
Send email when generating accounting report each month
Switch to disable all notifications for specific user
Use landing airport for next legs take-off (when submitting chronometry)
Greatly improved chronometry history on front-end
Time entry on front-end now uses browsers native “time field”
Invoice download on chronometry view (front-end)
Improved global search
After sucessful password change notify user with “toast” message
Improved calendar / chronometry icon
Different calendar view on rotated mobile view (front-end)
Possibility to edit legs on front-end
Round prices to two decimals on front-end
Allow searching by pilot/instructor name, username
Improved pagination on back-end (possibility to jump to specific page)
Filter “creation time” replaced with “Flight Time”
On Chronometry sorting by ID / Flight date is added
Sending correct emails when adding money to your account or paying membership
Translation errors on back-end
Swipe right/left on front-end calendar
Hide “null null” on profile page
Membership payment display and prevent paying membership more than once per year
Resources time calculation (if values are “null”)
Time on resources is in minutes – changed to hours
Back button on front-end
Error calculating aircraft resources with hobbs
Medical/Rating/Licenses should nofications sending
Flight chief permissions
Outer FE links not showing on front-end
Submitting legs fix
Fix reports
v1.17.1 (01-11-20)
All ratings / licences / medical is now displayed on front-end user profile
Show discounts with legs on chronometry overview
Aircraft registration name must be unique
Only “Allowed aircraft” for specific user are displayed on front-end
Improved “inspection field” on resources – now possible to select year, months and days
Possibility to submit reservation while aircraft is in maintenance
Forgot password and fixed login error display
Section bar was not shown after logout/login
Creating flight order from back-end
Block-on / Block-off check
Show “—” instead of NaN when chronometry didn’t have prices (no pricelist)
Renaming plane resource to aircraft resource on back-end
Exception for medical/ratings/licenses notification when time is not set
aircraft on front end sometimes not displayed
v1.17.0 (15-10-20)
Additional reverse invoices
Auditing for users activity
Db caching for most diferent Models (speed improvement)
Transaction report – including CSV version
PWA version of the app (iOS/Android choose “add to home screen”)
Additional ICAO parameter for aircraft
Yellow warning when License/Rating/Medical is about to expire
Possibility to make reservation from “group calendar” on front-end (by taping hour)
Rewritten module for aircraft resourses
Link to manual added to the footer in control conter
Enable editing reservations from calendar
Expired resourses are now “red”
Additional info added when submiting chronometry (next maintenance, total flith time)
Posibility to add file/links to news
Period field for Aircraft resourses (to select days, mounths, years instead of only days)
Additional checkes when editing chronometry
Max number of laps limited to 20 for “school laps” flight purpose
22% TAX for account fillup
DB tables for pricelist and flight orders simplified
In reservations calender we now displays “maintenance”
Improved calender on front-end (now accessible via direct url
Prevent submiting Flight Order if aircraft is in maintenance or not airworthy
Removed possibility to set “license to non active”
Additional fields for Skydivers Pricelists
Change date format on FE to DD.MM.YYYY
Balance field on “transactions” is automatically calculated
Remove “Yourney log” upload field from Front-End chronometry
Reservations for planes in maintenance/not airworty is now allowed
Improved PDF invoices look and data
Improved invoice prefix/suffix
Invoice numbers are now based on year and section
back-end url changed from /nova to /control
Unused fields removed from user
Medical on “users” table is not required anymore
Improved multiple filters on back-end
If you dont have money on ANY of the sections, you are not allowed to submit flight
Front-end calendar improvements
Updating chronometry for gliders
Improved notifications timing
Completing transactions
Notifications for completing transactions
Updating chronometry on back-end
Authentication via https
Multiple grammar errors fixes
Fixes on dates errors when submiting reservations
Improved Licenses / Expiration date notifications design on front-end
Prevent filling up account with “negative” values
Do not allow submiting flight order if ANY licenses expired
Global search
Cron-job fixes
Flight order error when editing/viewing on back-end
Posibility to “close” dialogs on front-end
Problem with attaching role to user
v1.16.0 (2020-07-01)
Auto pre-calculate flight time for flight order
Improved labels and fields descriptions on BE
W/B module on “flight order” – Beta
Skydivers section customisations
Chronometry card now containg time/date and registration
Feature “No payment for instructor” is removed from FE
Option to submit “Work order” without reservation
Better display for notifications
When editing price-lists it VAT is set to 0 by default
Better flight cost estimation on submitting chronometry
Option to “disable” email notifications is removed
Multiple grammar fixes on FE on english version
Logout issues for some users
Editing “flight pourpose” on “flight order” module
Deleting invoice if transaciton is removed
On calendar, some reservations were not visible
“Back” button was not working as expecting on Documents library
v1.15.2 (2020-06-07)
Added plane resource groups
Multiple triggers for plane resources
Plane live data automaticly updates
Plane resource datas
All migrations of one table were merged to a single file
migrations for plane_resource updated
migrations for plane_mark updated
planes who are not airworthy are correctly updated